
June 7, 2015

Black and Yellow

Well this week was good! I actually got to work a few more hours because one of the girls was out of town so I got to go in on Friday. So far I have only been working small jobs, things that have 1-5 line items, But this week there was a job that had 49 line items and R. was like work on this one. So I figured I would work on a couple of the items and he would work on the other items. That was Monday. I was still working on it on Friday. Between learning to work with new materials, having to change the black to the black we print, learning to work with how they had designed their art and needing new artwork sent back it was seriously an adventure. However it was something that by the end of the week I was glad I had done. It really tested my skills and helped cement processes into my mind. I am also starting to work with the printers more, if they have questions on my jobs they come to me instead of going straight to R. Which is great, and terrifying. I am always terrified I am going to screw up a job but then again I guess its all in the learning process! Now hopefully I don't have to work that same job again tomorrow!
(oh and the whole time I was working on the job I kept thinking some of the designs looked familiar and so at the end of the week I googled the company. Yep. It was "Canvas" the very same canvas that all my college classes run through. Can't ever get away from Canvas apparently!)

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