
May 17, 2015

New Job, New Adventures

Its always fun starting a new job. New people to meet, new things to learn, oh wait thats fun? Now I will say I like the meeting new people part but learning new things? Well thats always nerve racking. So this summer I am doing an internship at a place called Fusion Imaging. Basically they take logos, or other designs and print them. Most of the time large scale. I was really excited to start there because I thought hey is graphic design! Finally Ill know the programs and be somewhat aware of what I am doing. Yeah no. Silly me. So I finished my first week. It was crazy. I will be working in the prepress shop there and even though I have no idea what I am doing I think it will be a lot of fun. What I do know is that we take the designs done by companies and in a sense, rework them. We have to take the designs and resize them, add bleed, add whats called cut lines and dots (Used in the printing and cutting of the pieces) and do whatever else is needed so they can be printed correctly. I've learned a lot about photoshop and illustrator in the week I have been there though. By the end of the summer I will probably know every shortcut there is. Seriously. So far I have mostly just watched the others but I have worked on some banners and such. Its been fun learning how to make bleeds with the content aware feature on photoshop or how to flatten an image for printing or that I can create what are called actions (basically they include a list of edits that are all completed simply by pressing one button. Saves a lot of time. Trust me). I am sure I will learn even more this coming week, especially as the other guys send me off to do work on my own. Yikes. But hey like any new job, the more you learn the easier it all becomes.

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