So to start I would like to inform you all that fasting really works. not that I didnt already know that but I figured I would just tell you all a little story. So In case you all didnt know, california is in a drought. Its snowing in Georgia and cali cant get any water. Yep. so any who they announced about a month ago that the entire state of california would be doing a fast on fast sunday for rain. first thought "THATS SO COOL, ITS TOTALLY GOING TO RAIN!!!" next thought "oh man its going to rain." So I counted the days down till fast sunday as I begrugdingly started my fast for rain. Then I woke up sunday morning and it had rained. then durning personal study it started pooring. and didnt stop. at all. all day long. So fortunatly I spent most of the day in the church but still. I like how the bishops wife put it. "It is amazing to see the miracle of fasting and the rain we have recived for it. But I am ready for some sunshine again." hahaha we will get along great. So yes, so far today it hasnt rained to maybe the lord will listen to me when I prayed that it wouldnt rain on pdays. hahaha so yes everyone, fasting works. bring on the rain.
So as for the rest of the week, it was busy!! We had quite a few lessons and lots of service. Which is my personal favorite. We get to garden ( I might come home a pro gardener, but then I remember that it snows in utah and I cant grow things all year long) we also helped a family in our ward with a yard sale. They are trying to get money to adopt their 3 kids in hati, and at their yard sale the earned just enough money to go on to the next step. I guess that has happened everytime the go to do the next step in the process, they always end up with enough. The lord is amesome people. But the best was contacting. We totally contacted 2 Jehovah witnesses. It was great. They were really nice and we both just discussed our religions with each other. but they would sneakily through a dis about us in their conversation. My favorite was "and there is one true church, and its going to be a great day when everyone knows that and belongs to it. wouldnt you say so?" Yes, yes I would. especially when its the mormons. Of course I didnt say that part out loud. haha we also contacted a guy who told us we were idiots and that "joe smith was a liar and that we needed to listen to God" "at your own peril.." pretty funny. But then... we contacted a spanish couple. who were totally JW's. hahaha such a good day!!!
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