
September 11, 2012

9/11 - Where were you?

Where were you when the towers fell? I remember where I was. I was 8 years old. My first memory is my dad calling and my mom turning on the tv. The first tower was on fire. Then I had to go to school. I really had no idea what was going on. My 3rd grade teacher had rolled the TV into the classroom and there I watched the rest of the events unfold. Though I didn't understand fully what was happening I don't regret watching the the towers fall. I have had teachers and others say that kids as young as me shouldn't have watched it. That if I had been their child or teacher they would never have turned it on in front of me. But I disagree. My world changed with 9/11. I had not previously experienced war. I had never worried about getting on a plane. How would I ever understand why so many things were changing around me if I hadn't witnessed the cause of the changes myself.  I also will be one of the youngest to remember the Twin Towers, I will be one of the youngest to have Journal entries about it. Kids now will read about 9/11 in history books, just as I read about the JFK assassination. I had the chance to visit the site of the twin towers a few years ago, it was before all the debrie had been taken away. It was a humbling experience. to see how large the foundation was, and realize the magnitute of the buildings. I was in shock. I look forward to revisiting the site sometime soon with the memorial. To see that America can rebuild itself. I don't regret seeing the towers fall, I wish it had never happened but I don't regret knowing that it did. Because with this knowledge I will never forget. Will you?

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