
December 12, 2012


Well I figured since I wrote a post on 11/11/11 last year I should write one this year. But rest assured it will not be an entire post about Harry Potter. I'm just going to update you on things going on in my life!
To Start with it is finals week this week. My last finals were today so now I am all done! It's wonderful. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself now that I don't have to worry about homework. That is one of the wonderful things about college. Christmas break is just that a break. No teachers giving you huge assignments to fill up your time. Just time to chill. My finals weren't horrible. 2 test and 2 papers, neither were that hard, and two projects for my art classes. Those on the other hand were a pain. I was up till 2 in the morning last night and up at 7. Not fun. But it was worth it. So now for some pictures!
My Final for Drawing. I had to mat a picture so I did my apple and banana picture. Sorry I didn't take a picture of it matted, you will all just have to imagine it.
But more importantly I AM DONE WITH DRAWING!!! So I will still have to sketch and such for my classes but no more drawing 1 or 2 or whatever class! I celebrated with a nice delicious unhealthy ice cream sandwich.

Here is Yoda, my pride and joy. We had to make a marionette for our 3D Design Final. I chose to do Yoda. Well actually we had to make up a story to go with it, so this is Adoy, Yoda's son. Its Yoda spelled backwards. Real creative I know.

It is a good thing he is so cute because I was about to shoot him at 1 last night when he kept falling apart.

Also this girl, my BFF, Anna got her mission call today.  She is going to Poland! I am so excited for her, she is going to be a wonderful missionary.  I tried to Face time her since I am a nice long 4 hour drive from her but unfortunatly the internet just didn't want to be nice to us. But she is leaving quite soon so that means I must hang out with her as much as possible. (Got that Anna?)

Not the greatest or most recent photo of us but it basically describes us perfectly. (hint look at the poster behind us)

So I have been seeing these little memes over the past couple days. I really liked this one though because of the "probably" Finally someone besides me is willing to look on the bright side and see that I only have to live to be 109 to see another repeating day. I will do it I tell you! 

 Well happy 12.12.12 All!

Just kidding you all thought I was going to make it through this post without mentioning HP! Keep dreaming.
Last night as I was writing my story to go along with Adoy (Yoda) and I was really tired. I mean it was midnight. So I was trying to write Darth Vader. And well This is what happened.
No matter what Harry Potter just always comes back to me... Even when I don't need it too.

October 31, 2012


So I really should be doing homework, but instead I shall post about Halloween! Halloween is a favorite holiday of mine, however not all the scary stuff, I just like the fun cutesy parts! Unfortunately I didn't get to decorate my house this year, my box of Halloween stuff has disappeared. But that didn't stop me from having some good times! To begin the Halloween events off lets start with my costume for this year.  Zombies!
 Jandi and I decided we would go do a zombie walk that a theater in Cedar was putting on. I have never been into the whole zombie thing but I must admit that this was  a very fun costume.
 Only one problem with me being a zombie. I fail at being serious. As in every time I tried to look at someone with a death glare I always ended up laughing.
 The actual zombie walk was pretty lame but wondering around town after was fun! I was just being a dead zombie but Brance had to attempt a plank.
 Pretty good plank I'd say!
 Yummy Statue...

 The highlight of the night was when I decided to jump up and look into a window of the store. I didn't know anyone was standing there because I couldn't see in. Lets just say the guy looking out the window may have been slightly terrified to see my smiling white face pop up in front of him.. Best costume ever!  

Next up was Odyssey Dance Theater's Thriller. I had never been to it before, it was actually pretty good!
I went with some of my work buddies. Admissions party all the way!

 Last came pumpkin carving!

 My cute Kitty and pumpkin!
 Yeah you can tell I was really wanting to look presentable...

 Our pumpkins! In order from left to right is Katie's, mine and then Jandi's. I think my favorite part is that mine and Katie's pumpkins are all cute looking and Jandi's looks like it might kill me. Oh well!
 This was the pumpkin my neighbor Weston did. Lets just say he had issues with the mouth...

Other adventures of the zombie walk night included many random and embarrassing moments. To start with I figured I wouldn't know anyone at the zombie walk. That was wrong. My English teacher was there. awkward... Then later that night I was walking out the door and got my dress caught in it. No big deal right? Until I realized that I had locked the door. And left the keys inside. ops. Luckily there was a spare key in my car and my car was unlocked. Then off to the institute dance. So that brings up another subject. I hate institute dances. Last year I went to the Halloween dance and one guy asked me to dance. He was a banana, and he was creepy. But the best part was that he was from Dixie State. What the crap was he doing at a SUU Dance?? Lets just say I ran quickly away after the song ended. So this year I went in and thought I'd made it out safe without any awkward moments. Silly me. A cowboy stopped me as I was walking to my car. Lets just say that I wasn't quite sure if he was still a student.. as in he looked about 10 years older than me. Really first I get hit on by a banana and now a cowboy. I really need to stop going to the Halloween dance. The final event of the night was after we got home. We saw the lights on in our neighbors house and assumed that Brance was in the family room. So we banged on the windows. Nope it wasn't him. It was one of his roommates Kyler and his girlfriend Kori, who we had just scared half to death. Our bad. So that was my Halloween adventures!

October 23, 2012


This post is going to be quite random, just a warning. Pretty much it will be full of pictures of my recent random adventures!

 My roommates and I like to attend Shakespeare plays and come back at 11:30 and make alcoholic drinks. Just kidding! This drink is much cooler. I have one word for you. Butterbeer. (Okay it might be two words, not sure) Yep it was pretty darn good. Shakespeare and Harry Potter in one night. Good Saturday I must say!

 This was the view from my house the other day. Gorgeous!
 So most college students stay up till midnight studying for tests and reading books. I stay up gluing bouncy balls together. No big deal. By far my most favorite 3D design project yet!
 So I went back home to Layton for the weekend since it was fall break. This was the sunset as I was about halfway home. These views make me not hate the 4 hour drive so much.
 This little guy was a main reason for me going home. My brand new nephew! He as born 2 weeks ago and he is adorable! 
 We went up to the lake for the day on Saturday. I love this view.
 Chase took me shooting so I could try out his new gun. Loved it!
This is the American version of the AK47, possibly called the AR15. Not sure, I just like to call it the AK47 because that gun was always my favorite gun to use on the Nintendo 64 game Perfect Dark. Blowing a cattle bone to pieces was quite fun!
 The Handgun. My new goal in life? Learn to shoot this gun, and actually hit something.

 Chase took me out to look for the lake trout that are starting to come up by the rocks. I really just enjoyed the view as the sun was setting. (the fish just didn't want to come out and see me)

The rest of my weekend adventures included some much needed time with my BFF Anna, and of course the few other BF's of mine that I saw: Emily, Bree, and Jamey. I also took an adventure through Provo in the dark to see Natalie. That was entertaining, I may have gotten lost. Oh well fun times! Well there is the update on my life!

October 14, 2012

$und@y Driv€s

Today my roommates and I took a drive up the canyon after church. The leaves have been changing and we were excited to take a relaxing drive. 

First Snowball, Katie is quite excited.

 Our first snowman of the year, we had to improvise on his face and arms.

 So there were these signs of someone selling some items. Not that strange right?

 I mean here we have some good old jerky...
And here we have Kangaroo, Ostrich, and wild boar.  What the? The things you find in Cedar City!

September 24, 2012


I have this slight obsession. It's called Castle. It's this wonderfully awesome t.v. show that comes on ABC Monday nights at 9.
 I started watching it halfway through the first season during my sophomore year of High School. I have been hooked ever since. I like a lot of t.v. shows. I'd prefer not to repeat them all, so as not to embarrass myself with proof of my non-existent social life. So any who, Castle is the one tv show that I must know everything. Every spoiler, every little tidbit of info I can get. Its really an unhealthy obsession but I just can't help it. It just makes my school year. Starting in September and ending in May, it just makes the school year not so bad. Plus its conveniently placed on Monday nights, which helps me get through Mondays, since we all know that Mondays suck. I just have to tell myself to get through the day and at the end Castle will be on! I even own the first 3 seasons, the 4th just came out, I'll get that for my birthday or Christmas. :) I've watched them over and over again. They just cheer me up.
So here I am on a counting down the last 20 minutes until the season premiere is on. Thank you all for listening to my obsession. And if any of you need a new tv show to watch. Castle's got my recommendation.
18 minutes now. :) Nope 17.

September 11, 2012

9/11 - Where were you?

Where were you when the towers fell? I remember where I was. I was 8 years old. My first memory is my dad calling and my mom turning on the tv. The first tower was on fire. Then I had to go to school. I really had no idea what was going on. My 3rd grade teacher had rolled the TV into the classroom and there I watched the rest of the events unfold. Though I didn't understand fully what was happening I don't regret watching the the towers fall. I have had teachers and others say that kids as young as me shouldn't have watched it. That if I had been their child or teacher they would never have turned it on in front of me. But I disagree. My world changed with 9/11. I had not previously experienced war. I had never worried about getting on a plane. How would I ever understand why so many things were changing around me if I hadn't witnessed the cause of the changes myself.  I also will be one of the youngest to remember the Twin Towers, I will be one of the youngest to have Journal entries about it. Kids now will read about 9/11 in history books, just as I read about the JFK assassination. I had the chance to visit the site of the twin towers a few years ago, it was before all the debrie had been taken away. It was a humbling experience. to see how large the foundation was, and realize the magnitute of the buildings. I was in shock. I look forward to revisiting the site sometime soon with the memorial. To see that America can rebuild itself. I don't regret seeing the towers fall, I wish it had never happened but I don't regret knowing that it did. Because with this knowledge I will never forget. Will you?

August 22, 2012


So I moved back to Cedar City about a week and a half ago. I was so excited because I had two weeks before school started and I figured it would be a great time to work on my tan a little more before the colder weather hit. Well Mother Nature had other plans. I mean silly me, why would I think that mother nature would actually let me enjoy a few last rays of sun? It has rained almost everyday since I got back. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rain but is it too much to ask for a little sun? (or at least the power to go out while I'm at work...) We did have a pretty amazing lightning storm last night. I would have gone outside and taken pictures if I hadn't been too terrified that my house was about to be struck by the lightning. Seriously the storm was right on top of us. Maybe I will get brave and go out tonight and take some pictures. No promises though! Here are some lovely pictures of last Friday, it hasn't rained as hard since then but we still are getting some good moisture!

Here is one of the gutters by the school.

Here is the road to our house, it was so bad farther down that we had to go the back way.

The lovely puddle I stepped into when I got out of the car.

                                Here is the stream of dirt coming from the top corner our parking lot

July 24, 2012

Proud Mother

Yes that's right I am now a proud mother. Of a beautiful Hibiscus plant that is! I first fell in love with Hibiscus flowers when I went to Hawaii oh 7 or so years ago. I unfortunately believed that Hibiscus flowers could only grow in tropical places and so began my depression, then I saw a delightful surprise one day. There was a house in Kaysville that I drove by on my way to Ben Franklin a couple years ago and I noticed  a big beautiful Hibiscus plant. (Last I checked its still there) Well needless to say after that I went on a search for a Hibiscus plant. I discovered that J&J sold them, so I immediately went out and bought one. I was so excited to see it grow but alas it was not to be for it got bugs and died a couple weeks later. Sad I know.  When I came home from school this past May I was determined to see if I could get another one to survive. We took a trip to J&J and I ran straight over to Hibiscus plants and picked out a pretty pink one. I came home and planted it hoping for better luck this time. Now 2 months later my Hibiscus plant is not only still alive but it has tripled in size and yesterday its first flower bloomed. I must say it has completely made my week!

Here is what the cute little buds look like, plenty more flowers to come!

Next the pink flower started to peek through.
I was expecting the flower to say in the bud/peeking out stage for a few days so I was quite thrilled when I dragged myself up the stairs Monday morning for work and looked out the window to see this staring back at me!