
February 7, 2015

My Life is a Joke

     So back on the mish I used to tell all my companions that "my life is a joke" Now most usually responded with "not its not, don't say that." Well unfortunately I always seemed to prove them wrong... Really I should just record my life because I would be a youtube hit by now if I did. So once again today I realized why my life is such a joke. So heres the story. Its been beautiful non-utah like weather for February. Trust me I'm thrilled. So I decided this past week that it was time to get back in shape. You see I am terrifyingly out of shape so I better do something about it while I can. So I went on a nice walk/jog the other day so I decided I would go again today and soak up some sun. So when I went to go I realized all my roommates were out of town and I didn't want to bring my keys so I figured I would just put a spare key outside that I could use when I got back from my jog. (side note- Luckily in the joke of my life, God has a plan and sometimes likes to give me hints) So before I left I had the feeling to unlock the back door in case something happened to the spare key. So I did so and headed out the front door after locking it. Then I went to put the spare key where I used to keep it. This is where the problem came in. Where I live has some structural issues, meaning the ground is settling and so there are cracks throughout my house, like the floor. But I didn't notice that there was a nice crack where I used to keep the spare key. A crack that happened to be the exact width of a key. So I put the key up there and then heard a slight clink. Crap. So I looked back and realized the key had slid into the house. Literally. Now not inside, just inside the stucco. Goodbye key.
nice little crack just for a key to slide into... dont ask about the iron that is sitting there...

Goodbye getting back inside. All I could think was seriously all I wanted to do was go for a run! But now lets not forget that I left the back door unlocked. Except there was one minor problem with that. I forgot that my neighbors don't live next door anymore. (we used to go through their house and grab a chair to hop the wall to get into our yard) And well no one lives there currently so that was out. And of course my other neighbors weren't home. So new plan. I was going to have to climb the far wall. Great I just have to figure out how to climb a smooth wall thats basically as tall as me. Yay....

I found a rock I could stand on to boost me up a bit. Really it had to have been a show watching me try to climb up this.

Lets ignore the fact that I didn't get ready this morning

Luckily I watch The Prince of Persia earlier today and was in a Parkour type of mood. Unfortunately as mentioned above I am seriously out of shape. So after about 6 tries of getting up on the wall I finally did. But then came the real show. You see the walls separating each unit are about oh say 6 inches wide, enough space to balance beam it. However the center one which I needed to go down is curved. Yeah Im not that talented.

This is the view from my back yard to the part of the wall I hopped up on. 

So I scooted my little tush all the way down it. halfway through I just lost it laughing because I am sure I looked hilarious. I was torn between thinking if any of the back neighbors were home if they were dying laughing or calling the cops. haha So eventually I made is back to my place, hopped off the wall and walked through our back door. Well needless to say by this point I was exhausted and bruised and there was no way I was going on my jog. So I gave up and cleaned some more. Maybe we will try this whole exercise thing again next week. When I have roommates home. So folks this is why my life is a joke. Because really how often does a crack in the wall swallow up your spare key?
Yep thats right.
MY life is a joke.
Good thing I have a sense of humor. ;)

February 3, 2015

The Obsession is Real

So once upon a time I grew up in Utah. Thats still where I am at in fact. Utah's been great to me, don't get me wrong but there was always one thing growing up that I didn't like. (Well besides the snow) And that would be the dry air. Now when it comes to your skin and lips in the dry air you just put on lotion and chapstick right? Well I was always too lazy. Trust me it wasn't that I did't have any lotion, believe me Bath and Body Works is one of my favorite stops. But I never could finish a thing of lotion, let alone a chapstick. So now lets fast forward the story to when I went to Cali. Can you say humidity? Sure there isn't much but man I never even had the thought of lotion or chapstick! But then I came home. I have basically shriveled up into a prune. And now I am obsessed, with lotion, chapstick, all of it. Seriously, I can't go more than like 5 minutes without putting lotion on my hands, last weekend I put my lotion and chapstick in a different pocket in my bag and I couldn't remember where I put it and I almost went crazy. Okay not really but that was a long day without my chapstick. haha. I know I am totally crazy.
This is right next to my bed. 

This is my backpack
But If you think this is nothing, you should see my pockets, my car, my purses my bathroom pretty much everywhere you turn you will find my chapstick or lotion. So everyone I might actually finish a lotion one of these days, I guess we can thank my mission for finally getting me obsessed with chapstick and lotion. So folks the obsession is real. Or at least until I adjust back to Utah and get lazy again :)

Also stayed tuned, in a few days when I load the pictures from my camera I will give you all an update of last weekend where I spent my time at SLC FanX also known as Comic Con. Yes I am a nerd. No I don't care.